Moving towards Wisdom

Links from Torn between the Worlds of Science and Religion

Edith Fiore shares her experiences with possession.Torn between two Worlds looks at the conflicts that exist between science and religion, and also between wisdom and rhetoric. Wisdom is hard to find, just because something is easy to find on the internet does not mean it is wise. On this page I share some of the wisdom that I have found on the web, some is outright wisdom, others are found in the rhetoric of words from well known “experts”.

Below are the YouTube videos that I have found as inspiration in writing the book. Some of them are very outspoken people in their field, and these are the ones that I tend to most skeptical of. The methodical, experienced experts are the ones in my opinion to have a closer look at. Those who understate their results, as apposed to those who make extrapolated claims from their research or knowledge.


Here is an example of this type of extrapolation from Neil deGrasse Tyson on Larry King Now. He says: “There is no evidence that I am conscious of anything [after death] and by the way is that so weird? Did you have consciousness before you were born? Were you saying, how come I’m not on earth, my god, I need to be on earth, where am I? No, there is just the state of non-existence.” Where is his research that backs up theses grandiose statements? Where is his research that shows there is no reincarnation, that there are no alternate dimensions where our consciousness continues to live and that there are no angels?

Just like religion, science has also created its own dogma around the areas that do not fit neatly into their theory of the world. But since most scientific knowledge is theory and not scientific law, there is much that is being speculated on. This is what this book looks at.

Scientific anomalies explained by astrology

There is much wisdom in sayings of old, if we have an open mind to accept them. People have believed from the beginning of time about the power of the stars and the impact that they have on our daily lives. Many have dedicated their lives to the practice of astrology, finding truth and wisdom in their studies and practice. How does astrology fit into the modern scientific world?

Astrology - Power of the stars from the beginning of time.

Most scientific theories require the addition of both dark matter and dark energy to describe the behavior of the universe, and in massive proportions. Some more recent theories by and Gregorio Baquero have eliminated the need to have dark matter to explain the observed behavior, but still require huge amounts of dark energy. Let’s be clear though, the term dark energy stems from the fact that it cannot be seen or measured, it does not imply that it is truly darkness.¬†

Most all of the research is being done is on big money projects in physics, either looking into deep space or into smaller particles at the CERN. No one seems to be looking for dark energy in near space, or in our solar system. If dark energy makes up more than 80% of the universe, shouldn’t we be able to find it in our solar system?

The project, Torn Between Two Worlds, was created in order to form a bridge between two seemingly opposing sides. In this case, between science and astrology. What can the two learn from each other? In the introduction of my first book, I talk about the statistics from identical twin studies done throughout the last 60 years. One statistically significant variable falls out of those studies that can only be defined as a function of time. All of these studies show that our personality is impacted by the time we were born. This has nothing to do with genetics. Astrologists know this to be true.

Here is the Torn Between Two World hypothesis: We are citizens of two, coincidental worlds; a physical world, that is open to the eyes of its inhabitants and an ethereal world that is only visible to a very few gifted individuals. The physical world is finite, in that it is limited to the materials created in the Big Bang, whereas the ethereal world in infinite. Both worlds can act upon each other.

Putting this all together, I propose the following hypothesis:

  • Dark energy is the same energy that we experience in near space, and it is associated with bodies, both celestial and living. It is coincidental with these bodies, and it is ethereal.
  • Like gravity, its effect can be measured.
  • Unlike gravity, some gifted people can see it.

There is a proof in near space that can be made within our solar system and then applied to the universe using a well-known anomaly. The AU is increasing by 15 cm per year, and nobody knows why. Under our hypothesis, both the sun and the earth contain dark energy, so how much dark energy would each need to contain in order to increase the earth’s orbit around the sun by 15 cm per year? And if each celestial body had promotional amounts of dark energy, would this explain the accelerated expansion of the universe?

Lost Soul Guide in Ghost Whisperer’s Melinda

Good illustration of ghost works by Dr. Carl Wickland and Dr. Edith Fiore

Melinda Gordon helps lost souls to find their way into the light, and to stop to bother the living.

This is one of my most favorite television series about how life in the ethereal world can impact people. Especially in the first few seasons, it is a very inspired series depicting how a ghost can affect our lives. It gives us a good idea how it feels for the few who are meant to help them, and how these gifted people are often not understood by the people around them. Clairvoyance is a gift, but without the right support, it can be a great burden. Fortunately, Belinda had a grandmother during her childhood who understood her gift and was able to teach her how to use it to help others.

Once Belinda’s son gets old enough, she realizes that there are other types of ethereal beings that he can see and which she did not know existed. This illustrates the problem that has always existed when analyzing the work of clairvoyants, not all can see the same things, so it makes it a difficult field to study. Dr. Carl Wickland spent 30 years working with patients who were being molested by a ghost, but did not learn much wisdom from these lost souls. This illustrates that just being in the ethereal world is not enough, it takes something more to be able to uncover its secrets.

There has been enough independent research done by various psychiatrists on this subject to warrant an in-depth scientific study, along the line of Dr. Ian Stevenson’s work on reincarnation, to establish detection and treatment methods for people affected by a disparate spirit or ghost. This would be a great step forward for the mental health profession to have these techniques available to doctors treating patients who are possibly being mentally tortured by an angry ghost. By sending each ghost into the light, Wickland and Fiore  were able to elevate great suffering without the use of expensive pharmaceuticals.

City of Angels, Perfect First Scene

Gardian angels are ready to bring us to heaven when we die

The first scene to this movie is just perfect.

I have come across a number of inspired Hollywood productions that I like to share along with the meaning they provided me. I was so excited to see the beginning of City of Angels, starting just as inspired texts explain how the ethereal body leaves the material body at death, and continues life in the ethereal world. The guardian angel was waiting for the young girl to guide her further on her journey.

I have seen a number of productions that depict angels as being somehow less than human, with no feelings. This is because there are very few inspired texts about life in Heaven and the work of angels. The few that I have come across, show much more beauty, joy and diversity than here on earth, not less.

Ghost research – 30 Years among the Dead

Mrs. Wickland acted as a medium to talk to ghosts

Thirty years of research on the impact of ghosts on mental illness

Dr. Carl A. Wickland, (1861-1945) was a member of the Chicago Medical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the chief psychiatrist at the National Psychopathic Institute of Chicago. Wickland specialized in cases of schizophrenia, paranoia, depression, addiction, manic-depression, criminal behavior and other phobias. After moving to Los Angeles in 1918, he founded the National Psychological Institute of Los Angeles with his wife Anna Wickland, who was a trance medium. Wickland treated many patients suffering from mental illness of all kinds, and after many years of experience came to the conclusion that a number of patients he treated had ‘attachments;’ by that he meant that spiritual entities had attached themselves to unwitting mortals and influenced them (often) in the worst kind of way-leading them to alcoholism, madness, and occasionally murder. Wickland stated at the time; Spirit obsession is a fact – a perversion of a natural law – and is amply demonstrable. This has been proven hundreds of times by causing the supposed insanity or aberration to be temporarily transferred from the victim to a psychic sensitive who is trained for the purpose, and by this method ascertain the cause of the psychosis to be an ignorant or mischievous spirit, whose identity may frequently be verified. Having come to the ‘spirit obsession’ conclusion, Wickland and his wife set up a rescue circle, with Mrs. Wickland acting as the medium, and they set about communicating with lost souls who had passed away and were unaware of their post physical death condition and often in denial due to dogmatic religious and equally dogmatic atheist beliefs. In the introduction of the book the author writes, The change called death, the word is a misnomer-universally regarded with gloomy fear, occurs so naturally and simply that the greater number, after passing out of the physical are not aware that the transition has been made, and having no knowledge of a spiritual life they are totally unconscious of having passed into another state of being. Deprived of their physical sense organs, they are shut out from the physical light, and lacking, a mental perception of the high purpose of existence, these individuals are spiritually blind and find themselves in a twilight condition-the outer darkness mentioned in the Bible – and linger in the realm known as the Earth sphere.

Supernatural – Remembering how it used to be

Since the final judgement of Lucifer, ended wanted possession

Supernatural shows how evil spirits were able to possess humans at will.

The TV series Supernatural is going into its 13th season, showing the popularity of the subject matter among today’s public. It is full of inspired concepts that touch on aspects of the ethereal world that are quite colorful. It also has plenty of references to all kinds of inspired writings, including the bible and the mythical texts about the gods, and does a very good job of representing them in the script. So it is a good measure for the amount of confusion that currently exists in the subjects of the ethereal world, angels, demons and ghosts.

It is nice to see their treatment of Lucifer in this series because Christianity in general has lost their vigilance for the prince of lies, or as I like to refer to him as the prince of rhetoric. Rhetoric is a more precise description, and the series shows this exceptionally.

The storyline has a common thread with others who attempt to explain the fall of angels. Why would they choose to fall from heaven? The hypothesis in this series is that it was a matter of conscious choice, as it is in the film called City of Angeles. But the reasons that are presented are very weak, because there is not a widely held understanding for the fall in the first place. Religions today do not offer a reason why one-third of the angels were cast out of heaven.

The series is not only full of ghosts, but also demon possession. The only way they can hold back from being possessed is through charms or pagan symbols. Fortunately for us today, we need not suffer the uninvited demonic possessions that are commonly shown here, though. But before the final judgment, this is how I could have imagined it was in the times of the Old Testament. Back then, the gods of the underworld could possess anyone one they wanted and use them for their own purposes, much like is shown in Supernatural.

Reincarnation is what inspired me to write

I have always had a unique point of view and have kept to myself for many years, until recently. Two separate friends had commented on the value they received from our discussions, and both suggested I write a book. Then my daughter suffered a stroke and while she was in the hospital, I started writing what turned into a three book project.

The wisdom of Stevenson he gained from his reincarnation research

Reincarnation, at least as I conceive it, does not nullify what we know about evolution and genetics. It suggests, however, that there may be two streams of evolution — the biological one and a personal one — and that during terrestrial lives these streams may interact.

Fellow scientist, Robert Almede talks about Stevenson’s reincarnation research and about the importance of looking at the outliers to gain genuine knowledge though the pursuit of the things that science cannot explain. Don’t worry about the 95 who died jumping out the 10th story window, look closely at why the 5 got up and walked away. Statistics often leads us to throw away the knowledge gained in the outliers. This has been a theme for my life and has led me through the topics of reincarnation as part of our return to heaven.

I was also inspired by the works of John Nash whose work on gaming theory has given scientific support to the concept of “love thy neighbor”.

Here is a list of books for further reading on the subject of reincarnation and the afterlife.

Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Dr. Ian Stevenson

Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect by Dr. Ian Stevenson

Old Souls: Compelling Evidence from Children Who Remember Past Lives by Tom Shroder

Thirty years among the dead by Dr. Carl Wickland 

The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession by Dr. Edith Fiore