Category: Science and Religion

Miami Book Fair 2023

Introducing “Torn Between Two Worlds” Book Series by Shawn T. Murphy

Torn Between Two Worlds: Science and Religion, a thought-provoking book that delves into the intricate relationship between two seemingly conflicting realms of human understanding. This isn’t just a book; it’s an invitation to engage in a respectful dialogue,” says Shawn. “It’s an exploration of the potential harmony between these two domains that have shaped human understanding for centuries.

Check the book here

Torn Between Two Worlds: Material and Ethereal, a captivating book that navigates the intriguing juxtaposition of the tangible and intangible aspects of existence. In this compelling literary work, he takes readers on an enlightening journey, delving into the contrasting realms of the material and the ethereal. “Torn Between Two Worlds: Material and Ethereal” offers a unique exploration of the interface between the physical world we inhabit and the abstract, metaphysical dimensions that shape our perceptions.

Check the book here

Torn Between Two Worlds: Wisdom and Rhetoric, a compelling book that navigates the intriguing juncture between wisdom and the art of rhetoric. In this thought-provoking work, he takes us in an insightful exploration of the interplay between wisdom, defined by deep understanding and sagacity, and rhetoric, the art of persuasive communication. This book illuminates the complexities of balancing the pursuit of profound knowledge with the skills of eloquent persuasion.

Check the book here

Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing, an enlightening book that delves into the intriguing relationship between conventional medicine and the realm of spiritual healing. In this compelling exploration, he invites readers on a transformative journey into the convergence of modern medical practices and the profound realm of spiritual healing. The book seeks to bridge the gap between these two approaches to wellness, offering a comprehensive perspective that embraces the complementary aspects of both disciplines.

Check the book here

About the Author

He began his work journey at the age of 14, working his way through High School and attaining a BS in Engineering while employed as a machinist. Upon transitioning to an engineering role, he achieved a Master’s in Engineering, followed by a Master’s in Business, and dedicated his free time to becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst. His unquenchable thirst for knowledge has persisted throughout their life.

His credentials continued to flourish as he pursued a thriving career as an investment manager, consistently prioritizing ongoing education. In 1996, he initiated a study of philosophy and spirituality following an encounter with skilled clairvoyants during his initial week-long spiritual retreat. Over the past 27 years, he engaged in intensive learning under their guidance, delving into spiritual laws and remedies that now form the essence of their written work.

In response to the events of September 11, 2001, he found inspiration to author six articles that countered the prevailing rhetoric of the time. Additionally, following a stroke experienced by his 20-year-old daughter, he felt compelled to write the “Torn Between Two Worlds” trilogy.

This endeavor aimed to disseminate the wisdom accumulated throughout his life’s journey, which had provided him strength during challenging periods. Recent developments include the establishment of a spiritual consulting business after the release of his self-help book. Utilizing the tools expounded upon in his writing, he is dedicated to aiding those who are enduring suffering. Moreover, he has been actively assisting aspiring clairvoyants in honing their skills, as the principles they articulate hold relevance for individuals from all walks of life.

Dedication and Commitment

Shawn T. Murphy’s relentless dedication to promoting his book speaks volumes about the exceptional quality of his literary contributions. His active engagement underscores the depth and significance of the books he has published, portraying them as essential and enriching reads. Through his passionate advocacy, Shawn has illuminated the worth and value of his work, demonstrating an undeniable love and commitment to each written piece.

He attended three book fairs in the past 3 years.

  • Sharjah 2022
  • Frankfurt 2022
  • Miami Book Fair 2023

Collaborations with fellow creatives:


Prime Seven Media Spotlight interview with Logan Crawford and answered questions about his book, ‘Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing’; (Logan Crawford TV Interview Link:

Message from the author:

I believe “Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing” will appeal to readers looking for alternative ways to address their health and wellness. And I would be happy to consult with any reader and can be reached on my website:


Author Photo

Book Series

Sharjah Book Fair 2022

Frankfurt Book Fair 2022

Miami Book Fair 2023

Learn to Trust Your Intuition – New Podcast

February 8, 2023 – I spoke with Brandon G Handley Spiritual Dope Podcast, trying to make the topics of spirituality palatable for logical thinkers, like myself. In addition, I answered a few specific questions from Brandon:  What is the relationship between science and religionDescribe heaven and how to get there?

Logic in Religion

A lack of logic in religion is one of the reasons that churches are becoming less attractive to people, but it is also responsible for much of the conflict in the world. It is time to replace mystery and man-made doctrines with the logic that existed before power-hungry took it from us.

In this episode we have a lively exchange and cover: • The first Christians • Scientifically based theologians • Origen of Alexandria • The consistency of spiritual and material laws • Socrates, Plato & Aristotle (who contributed what) • The order and logic of God/Creator • The making of a true philosopher • The book of Revelation as history, not prophecy • The Restoration of All Things (Origen’s teaching) versus the Doctrine of Salvation • Rhetoric versus Wisdom.

View the podcast on the Spiritual Forum or watch the video or listen to this episode on Apple PodcastsSound Cloud or Stitcher.

What is the relation between our soul and our mind, according to modern science?

First of all, modern science does not recognize the soul, but rather they are struggling with the difference between consciousness and the brain. I was just at a mental health presentation at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, which was focusing on the use of psychedelic drugs in treatment. One of the presenters said: “We do not understand the difference between consciousness and the brain.” I asked this member: “Then how can you effectively treat illnesses of consciousness?”

The best modern scientific research on this subject is being done by the Division of Perceptual Studies – University of Virginia School of Medicine. Dr. Bruce Greyson, who has spent over a half of a century scientifically researching thousands of Near-Death Experiences. Through this extensive research, this is what modern science is willing to say:

The seventh lesson is that NDE’s raise questions about the continuation of consciousness after death. If it is true that minds can function in extreme circumstances without physical brains, that is may be possible that minds can continue to exist after the death of the brain.

An answer to what happens after death, may be beyond today’s scientific methods, or it may be just beyond our scientific imagination, but the scientific answer, if it ever comes, will likely be through indirect evidence, like the trail of bubble subatomic particles leave in a bubble chamber. I don’t know if some kind of continued consciousness after death is the best explanation for NDE experiencers seeing loved ones that no one knew had died, but I do not have any alternative explanation for the evidence. We may eventually come up with another explanation, but until then, some form of continued consciousness after death seems to be the most plausible working model. The evidence, that under extreme conditions, we can see beyond the range that our physical senses see and hear, and that we can remember things our physical brains have not processed, comes not just from NDE’s but from a variety of research avenues. So, it makes sense to me to live our lives as if this is really the way things are. That we are more than our physical bodies, that some part of us may continue after our physical bodies stop working, and that we may be intimately connected to something greater than ourselves. And that has tremendous implications as to how we live our lives, and for what makes our lives meaningful and worthwhile.

Ref: After by Dr. Bruce Greyson – Chapter 20.

Modern science has come a long way in the past 30 years on this subject, but practicing doctors are still being taught that a human is purely a physical being. Until doctors and researchers are taught what Greyson has discovered, those suffering illnesses of consciousness or of the soul, will not receive effective care.

Back to your original question: What is the difference between the soul and the mind? Greyson hints at this point in his NDE studies. He says that the experiences people have when their brain is not functioning are more real than normal memories, because consciousness (the soul) is not being filtered by the brain. Humans who have reached a high level of enlightenment are able to access the unfiltered knowledge and wisdom of their soul.

Between Science and Religion

And get back to the wisdom of the founders of science.

It is time to get over Aristotle.

One of the fundamental laws of physics is that a force is met with an equal and opposite force. Since Galileo rescued science from religion, science has done battle with religion: knowledge vs belief. I would go as far as to say that science has violated one of its most basic laws, and as a result, helped to create an equal and opposite force in this world. When we look at history, whenever a group gained power through knowledge (at the expense of others) a force grew within society to oppose it.

The Roman church’s adaptation of Aristotle as their proxy for science, set scientific development back for centuries, until Galileo pried it free in the 17th century. Since then, modern science has developed its theories about the physical world at an amazing pace, while the churches have remained stagnant, with few exceptions.

One of the personas of the fallen archangel Aholibah. The enlightened Greeks named their city after her, The Greek goddess Athena

The goddess Isis (Egypt) wearing steer headdress

This book celebrates the wisdom held by each of these two worlds and attempt to highlight the blind-spots that have kept the two sides from forming a partnership. One of the universal wisdoms that religions have taught for millennia is that when you give, you receive more in return. John Nash received the Nobel Prize for proving this spiritual wisdom, and it is in this spirit that a cooperation between science and religion could be formed.

Torn Between Two Worlds: Science and Religion

Links from Torn between the Worlds of Science and Religion

Edith Fiore shares her experiences with possession.Torn between two Worlds looks at the conflicts that exist between science and religion, and also between wisdom and rhetoric. Wisdom is hard to find, just because something is easy to find on the internet does not mean it is wise. On this page I share some of the wisdom that I have found on the web, some is outright wisdom, others are found in the rhetoric of words from well known “experts”.

Below are the YouTube videos that I have found as inspiration in writing the book. Some of them are very outspoken people in their field, and these are the ones that I tend to most skeptical of. The methodical, experienced experts are the ones in my opinion to have a closer look at. Those who understate their results, as apposed to those who make extrapolated claims from their research or knowledge.


Here is an example of this type of extrapolation from Neil deGrasse Tyson on Larry King Now. He says: “There is no evidence that I am conscious of anything [after death] and by the way is that so weird? Did you have consciousness before you were born? Were you saying, how come I’m not on earth, my god, I need to be on earth, where am I? No, there is just the state of non-existence.” Where is his research that backs up theses grandiose statements? Where is his research that shows there is no reincarnation, that there are no alternate dimensions where our consciousness continues to live and that there are no angels?

Just like religion, science has also created its own dogma around the areas that do not fit neatly into their theory of the world. But since most scientific knowledge is theory and not scientific law, there is much that is being speculated on. This is what this book looks at.

Scientific anomalies explained by astrology

There is much wisdom in sayings of old, if we have an open mind to accept them. People have believed from the beginning of time about the power of the stars and the impact that they have on our daily lives. Many have dedicated their lives to the practice of astrology, finding truth and wisdom in their studies and practice. How does astrology fit into the modern scientific world?

Astrology - Power of the stars from the beginning of time.

Most scientific theories require the addition of both dark matter and dark energy to describe the behavior of the universe, and in massive proportions. Some more recent theories by and Gregorio Baquero have eliminated the need to have dark matter to explain the observed behavior, but still require huge amounts of dark energy. Let’s be clear though, the term dark energy stems from the fact that it cannot be seen or measured, it does not imply that it is truly darkness.¬†

Most all of the research is being done is on big money projects in physics, either looking into deep space or into smaller particles at the CERN. No one seems to be looking for dark energy in near space, or in our solar system. If dark energy makes up more than 80% of the universe, shouldn’t we be able to find it in our solar system?

The project, Torn Between Two Worlds, was created in order to form a bridge between two seemingly opposing sides. In this case, between science and astrology. What can the two learn from each other? In the introduction of my first book, I talk about the statistics from identical twin studies done throughout the last 60 years. One statistically significant variable falls out of those studies that can only be defined as a function of time. All of these studies show that our personality is impacted by the time we were born. This has nothing to do with genetics. Astrologists know this to be true.

Here is the Torn Between Two World hypothesis: We are citizens of two, coincidental worlds; a physical world, that is open to the eyes of its inhabitants and an ethereal world that is only visible to a very few gifted individuals. The physical world is finite, in that it is limited to the materials created in the Big Bang, whereas the ethereal world in infinite. Both worlds can act upon each other.

Putting this all together, I propose the following hypothesis:

  • Dark energy is the same energy that we experience in near space, and it is associated with bodies, both celestial and living. It is coincidental with these bodies, and it is ethereal.
  • Like gravity, its effect can be measured.
  • Unlike gravity, some gifted people can see it.

There is a proof in near space that can be made within our solar system and then applied to the universe using a well-known anomaly. The AU is increasing by 15 cm per year, and nobody knows why. Under our hypothesis, both the sun and the earth contain dark energy, so how much dark energy would each need to contain in order to increase the earth’s orbit around the sun by 15 cm per year? And if each celestial body had promotional amounts of dark energy, would this explain the accelerated expansion of the universe?