Category: Latest

The single-sided view of modern spirituality

Many people gravitated to esoteric or spiritualism teachings, after rejecting the teachings of established religions, looking for a world-view without the pain and suffering promised by the major religions. Unfortunately, many have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. Spirituality today seems to offer love and peace, but without addressing the evil forces in this world. Neither spirituality nor the established religions have handled the question of evil effectively.

During a three-day workshop put on by Kimberly Maska Pape, about starting a spiritual business, she said: “Since everything comes from source, that means money also comes from source.” Having studied the spiritual world for over thirty years, it is clear that you cannot take money into the afterlife, and there is no currency in the afterlife except the light in one’s soul. Everything else exists in the afterlife, except for this human creation.

There are in fact two sources in this world, which were symbolized in the Old Testament description of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were told to choose between two trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tree of Life is the source of all life, whereas the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the source of all lies and evil, only able to create chaos.

See my posts on the Spiritual Biz Magazine 

Read my book, Torn Between Two Worlds: Wisdom and Rhetoric

Kimberly Maska Pape answered my email below, and you can read my response to each of the points that she raises.

Hello Shawn – I hope you are having a wonderful day. My team passed along your video and email. You had several points to make, and I will address each of them below.

First, I will address your comment from one of your emails, “You seem to be focused on making money from the trend of people leaving the churches and searching for a spiritual path.” I find this quite odd, considering I did not speak of church or religion during my event, and you will be hard-pressed to find it in any of my content. It is unclear how you came to this conclusion, but this is not what I do at all.

You spoke to the great awakening and asked us if we felt it was moving fast enough. The great awakening is a movement away from dogmatic beliefs into the light of truth. The countless religious sects do not reflect a single source of truth, therefore, people are moving away from religion to spirituality. Please see my paper on the most enlightened culture that has existed – A return to the high ethic of the Ionian Ideal and this is the character that we should try to emulate if we claim to be enlightened and following a divine spiritual path.

You also say in your email, “I have spoken with over 100 spiritual healers/podcasters in the past two years, and there are only three that I found who are on a virtuous spiritual path.” Could all 97 of them be wrong while only you and three others are virtuous? Be careful with judging others. That act right there is out of spiritual integrity in my book.

I had said that I have only found three on a divine spiritual path. This goes back to the question of intention that I raised and the two sources of spiritual energy that you have rejected. Since most all those I spoke with are coming into their spiritual as a rejection of an abusive relationship/childhood, they do not have pure intentions, and have not healed themselves and rid themselves of the negative energy around them before starting their business. Yes, they may be able to attract many people with their life story, but are they leading their soul tribe into the right direction?

Now for your video. You claim there is not “one” Source. However, I am sure you are familiar with the ouroboros and its psychological significance. In the beginning, all was unified; this was prior to ego consciousness and prior to duality. Psychologically speaking, Adam & Eve were unconscious and unaware of duality until they ate from the Tree of Knowledge / good and evil. It was only through their awareness that the duality of good and evil was birthed

Yes, Ouroboros is a symbol of alchemy (manifestation) and the worship of pagan gods. This is well documented in the study of the Oracles of Delphi.

I had sent you a copy of my book, but I see you have not downloaded it from Amazon. Torn Between Two Worlds: Wisdom and Rhetoric In this book, I go into detail the difference between wisdom and rhetoric, which Socrates explained in Plato’s Symposium. You have accepted the concept of the duality of good and evil, but you have attributed all spiritual energy to one source. You are essentially saying that evil intent (negative spiritual energy) come from goodness. This is the same logic used by the Spartan prince when he argued that homosexual love of young boys is the greatest form of love. But in fact, negative energy came from the Fall of the angels and repeated with the Fall of Adam and Eve. Negative energy is a rejection of the one source, thus creating a second source of evil – Satan, Lucifer, Demons, Evil Spirits, etc.

Yes, good and evil exist, represented in the alchemical symbols of the sol/sun and luna/moon, but they came from one Source, the All. I could dive deeper into the spiritual, psychological, and philosophical implications of the expansion of our consciousness, leading us to a psychological unification with the image of “Christ” within (Christ Consciousness), also known as the Self, but I do not have the inclination to go into that level of detail.

Many of the people I refer to claim to be led by Jesus, or the Archangel Michael. These are the ones that are being led astray by evil beings posing as God, Jesus or an Archangel. These are the beings that promise material rewards for following them. The divine spiritual world does not work this way.

You also mention that in the divine spiritual world, there is no money. I agree. In fact, I don’t believe it “really exists” in this world. That is precisely why I say, “money is energy,” “money doesn’t really exist,” “money is just an idea.” I also agree that the focus should be on service. That is the entire basis of what I teach. It seems you did not hear me say, “Money is just a reflection of the service you provide on this planet.” Did you miss that one? Odic energy (Spiritual Energy) goes from the darkest of black to the brightest of white, from demonic to divine. Money is a concept created by man and does not have a high vibration, and money has no reflection on the value one has added to humanity. As you know, money has been used for more harm than good. I have been exposed to very many wealthy people in my career in asset management in Liechtenstein, Cayman and Bermuda. I have only found one on a divine path – Allan Gray.

But let’s not forget that we live in a 3D world, where spirit has incarnated into physical form. This is where most “spiritual” people get stuck. They want to believe we don’t need money or money is unimportant. However, if the service we give humanity is what lights up our soul, then how does one have a massive impact on humanity without money in this 3D world? A spiritual business and money are both vehicles for service on this planet. That is exactly why I talk about impact tithing and being a spiritual capitalist. Create money living your purpose so you can give back to the world and serve humanity.

This concept is an old, broken model of philanthropy as opposed to the enlightened concept of conscious capitalism. Instead of making money in spiritual business and donating it to charity, why not turn all businesses into spiritually oriented businesses?

It is almost as if you did not attend the event.

I have been to many such events. I am actively involved in the Social Enterprise work of YPO International and have learned the best practices for helping humanity. I have had the honor of meeting Muhammad Yunus, whose Nobel Prize exemplifies a virtuous use of the capital markets. The key takeaway from his work is that the business objectives should be targeted to service and its success should be measured on service and not on financial goals, not on becoming a millionaire.

I will conclude with this. I sincerely caution you not to devalue the physical realm. We are spiritual beings, but spiritual beings in this physical world. When someone is unbalanced in this respect, they are analogous to the Flight of Icarus. He flew too high and came crashing down to his death. I have seen many Icarus’ in my years of coaching over 600 spiritual entrepreneurs. It is not a pretty sight.

You invited me to contemplate your video, and I have. Now, I invite you to contemplate this…If you spent three days “listening” to me but did not actually “hear” me, is it possible that those 97 people “not on a virtuous path,” according to you, are actually on the right path? And who is to judge what the “right” or “virtuous” path is? Not I. Nor you.

I heard everything that you said and ask you to consider your words. You have coached over 600 spiritual entrepreneurs, and are you sure that you have empowered them all in a virtuous direction? What if some have used your successful techniques to lead their soul tribe down a dark path? It all comes back to intention. Every method I teach can be used for divine or evil purposes, so I am very careful in how I share it with.

I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.


Falsifications in inspired texts

If you are using inspired texts in your spiritual business, it is of utmost importance to know the source of these texts, and the history of their publications and editions. I personally investigated two sets of inspired works and found the mechanisms used to twist the meaning of the original channel. In this article, I will highlight the works of Johannes Greber and the Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation.

Johannes Greber was a Catholic priest who lived from May 2, 1874 to March 31, 1944. He was a humanitarian who saved many children fleeing from Germany in WWI, helping them escape to Holland. Greber was taught for many years by spirit guides, channeled through various mediums, about the original spiritual teachings of Christianity lost in the dark ages. He published these teachings in two main works:

With these works, he attempted to correct the doctrines of the Catholic church, but in the end, he chose to leave the priesthood. Greber’s work was and is extraordinary for any Cristian to read, as it contradicts long held church doctrines going back to the Council of Nicaea, and is a direct attack on the priesthood. Greber wrote this to his readers:

Translations of the Bible, and of the New Testament in particular, are manifold in the world. They always will be, because the Word of God will live forever! It is an actual fact that no other book on earth has undergone so many changes at the hands of copyists and translators, as has the Holy Scripture,both the Old Testament and the New. The discrepancies in the documents available to us are by no means confined to trifles – cases touch the foundations of the Christian Churches of today.

After his death, his works were distributed and edited by the Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation, which was not free from this phenomenon. Here is an example, comparing the sixth edition (1979) of the Communication with the Spirit World of God,

None but God, and the ‘Son of God’ known to you as ‘Christ,’ the first creature to be called into existence by God are exempt from the union of the male with the female. To all created spirits the words of the Bible apply: ‘Male and female created He them,’ and ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’ (Part Four, God’s Creation and Its Vicissitudes)

with the seventh edition.

None but God, not even the ‘Son of God’ known to you as ‘Christ,’ is exempt from the union of the male with the female. To all created spirits the words of the Bible apply: ‘Male and female created He them,’ and ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’ (Part Four, God’s Creation and Its Vicissitudes)

The English sixth edition is an accurate translation of the German text in the German seventh edition (1983).

«Von diesem Gesetz der paarweisen Verbindung des Männlichen mit dem Weiblichen ist bloß Gott ausgenommen und der als erstes Geschöpf Gottes ins Dasein getretene, ‘Sohn Gottes’, den ihr ,’Christus’ nennt. Von allen andern Geistern gilt das Wort der Bibel: ‘Mann und Weib erschuf er sie’ und das andere Wort:, ‘Wachset und mehret euch!’» (Vierten Teil, Über die Schöpfung Gottes und ihr Schicksal)

So, Greber’s warning to his readers about the “many changes at the hands of copyists and translators” was prophetic about his own work! Up until this time in history, recording media was prohibitively expensive. But that is not the case today. My recommendation for any medium is to record all your sessions and ensure that any written material from the sessions corresponds one-to-one with the recording. If you make any translations of theses, please let the reader know to refer to the original language if there are any questions/discrepancies.

There is a systematic cause for these types of falsifications of spiritual truths – evil. True spirituality does not benefit those who seek power, wealth and try to control others. This is illustrated in the cover art for this article, from the Die entschleierte Aura by Gisela Weigl and Franz Wenzel (1991). There are evil, mischievous and vengeful spirits that attempt to use humans to achieve their goals of chaos. I have emphasized this point in my previous article Lifelong Learning, as those in a spiritual business are especially useful tools for these spirits to use.

Spiritual Retreat 2023

I would like to share the pearls of wisdom that I gained during my 27th spiritual retreat. During this time I recorded these pearls on posted on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

  • Erwin Schrödinger was born in the village that our retreat took place. Like Galileo, he went back to the Ancient Greeks to rediscover the holistic beliefs of the founders of science, logic and philosophy. His work inspired my book, Torn Between Two Worlds: Science and Religion (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)
  • Your health depends more on what comes out of your mouth than what you put into it. Take a beat before you react. Are you reacting to the other person, or are you being triggered by that person and remembering a pain from another time in your life? (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)
  • Spirituality to me is realizing that we are immortal spiritual beings living in a mortal body. So, spirituality is about finding out about our true purpose and then investigating the spiritual world. (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)
  • During the third day of my spiritual retreat, we learned a very enlightened lesson: when you see someone suffering, and you are strong enough, ask to carry some or all of this burden for them. This selfless act will be greatly rewarded in spirit. (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)
  • The morning lecture was about the various spirit guides that are with us during our lives. For me, the torch-bearer came to mind, who helps us find our way out of the darkness. (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)
  • Instead of focusing on the differences between beliefs, focus on the commonality of the core values with tolerance. (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)
  • “People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used”. Dalai-Lama (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)
  • Two beautiful horses met us at the top of Wiedersbergerhorn. They are such beautiful, loving, and caring creatures. (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)
  • The week-long spiritual retreat has been full of new learning and a deeper understanding of the spiritual laws that determine our fate or karma in the afterlife or the next life. (Watch on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.)

What is the relation between our soul and our mind, according to modern science?

First of all, modern science does not recognize the soul, but rather they are struggling with the difference between consciousness and the brain. I was just at a mental health presentation at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, which was focusing on the use of psychedelic drugs in treatment. One of the presenters said: “We do not understand the difference between consciousness and the brain.” I asked this member: “Then how can you effectively treat illnesses of consciousness?”

The best modern scientific research on this subject is being done by the Division of Perceptual Studies – University of Virginia School of Medicine. Dr. Bruce Greyson, who has spent over a half of a century scientifically researching thousands of Near-Death Experiences. Through this extensive research, this is what modern science is willing to say:

The seventh lesson is that NDE’s raise questions about the continuation of consciousness after death. If it is true that minds can function in extreme circumstances without physical brains, that is may be possible that minds can continue to exist after the death of the brain.

An answer to what happens after death, may be beyond today’s scientific methods, or it may be just beyond our scientific imagination, but the scientific answer, if it ever comes, will likely be through indirect evidence, like the trail of bubble subatomic particles leave in a bubble chamber. I don’t know if some kind of continued consciousness after death is the best explanation for NDE experiencers seeing loved ones that no one knew had died, but I do not have any alternative explanation for the evidence. We may eventually come up with another explanation, but until then, some form of continued consciousness after death seems to be the most plausible working model. The evidence, that under extreme conditions, we can see beyond the range that our physical senses see and hear, and that we can remember things our physical brains have not processed, comes not just from NDE’s but from a variety of research avenues. So, it makes sense to me to live our lives as if this is really the way things are. That we are more than our physical bodies, that some part of us may continue after our physical bodies stop working, and that we may be intimately connected to something greater than ourselves. And that has tremendous implications as to how we live our lives, and for what makes our lives meaningful and worthwhile.

Ref: After by Dr. Bruce Greyson – Chapter 20.

Modern science has come a long way in the past 30 years on this subject, but practicing doctors are still being taught that a human is purely a physical being. Until doctors and researchers are taught what Greyson has discovered, those suffering illnesses of consciousness or of the soul, will not receive effective care.

Back to your original question: What is the difference between the soul and the mind? Greyson hints at this point in his NDE studies. He says that the experiences people have when their brain is not functioning are more real than normal memories, because consciousness (the soul) is not being filtered by the brain. Humans who have reached a high level of enlightenment are able to access the unfiltered knowledge and wisdom of their soul.

Be cautious when going into a spiritual business

I have had many discussions with psychics and spiritual practitioners, and discovered some common patterns. Many of the practicing psychics have gone through a difficult childhood/adulthood and had a spiritual awakening – discovering their gift. They have gone into their practice without the needed preparation, to ensure:

  • Protection from negative energies
  • Protection from outside spiritual influences – familiar spirits, lost spirits, vengeful spirits and evil spirits.
  • Discernment between the benevolent spirit world and the malevolent

Going into business in a spiritual business makes these matters worse, as one is subject to more negative thoughts from exposure on the internet, and worse, to spiritual beings that want to influence the spiritually gifted. I have written about this for The Spiritual Biz Magazine, and you can read the article here.

Healing Energies Through Spirituality with Shawn Murphy

October 20, 2022 – Healing Energies Through Spirituality with Shawn Murphy with Teresa from TNT Spirit Works

While we exist here on the planet we all experience duality. This duality shows up all around us like day/night, sadness/happiness, depressed/enthusiastic and many, many other ways and forms. My guest today has embraced dualities through his Torn Between Two World Books and he is here today to shed light on how to increase your spiritual strength and increase your resistance to the negativity that you are subjected to.

You can find the podcast on BuzzSprout.

2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 8

The end of a mediation week is full of emotion for me, having to leave this beautiful atmosphere and to return to the daily grind. After 27 years, you would think it world be old hat, but I am surprised each time about how much I have learned during the week and am humbled by how much I still have to learn. The theme for the week was:

“lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matt 28:20)

In today’s modern world, we are able to put these words into perspective. The end of the world is estimated to be in 2 to 3 billion years from now, when the Earth will enter the uninhabitable zone, as the sun increases in size. We also have learned the power of the network and the power of the web. Jesus is not alone in Heaven. There are billions of trillions of inhabitants in Heaven, all who serve its King – and they are all networked in a spiritual web. This is how the King maintains connection to all of humanity, through the billions of guardian angels who look over His sheep.

I am so grateful to the spiritual world, for its inspiration, its guidance, and its protection.

2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 7

On the seventh day of my annual week-long retreat we discussed the best ways to help the soul of a lost love one. 

When we lose a loved one, it is important to separate your personal needs from the needs of the loved one’s soul. Let me explain. When we lose a loved one, we are left with various emotions, based on our relation to them. These can be sorrow, loss and a deep desire to hold on to them. They can disappointment, regret and a desire for revenge or a second chance.

When praying for a loved one, we don’t what your personal needs to impact the prayer for the loved one which may hinder their afterlife, and can impact your own life. For instance, if we hold a person’s soul close to us after they died through our longing to be with them, this will keep them from entering their afterlife. And if you look at the life’s works of Dr. Edith Fiore and Dr. Carl Wickland you will find that when these spirits remain in our lives, the can cause various symptoms of mental illness. Especially if there was disappointment in the relationship.

So, as in most things in life, it is important to take care ourself before we can help others. Before praying for the deceased loved one, ask God for the strength you need to go on without them. If there was conflict in the relationship, ask God to forgive yourself and forgive them. Once you have asked God to help you with your needs, then you can pray for the deceased loved one for God to fulfill their needs. Such a prayer might look like this.

Dear God, please take my loved one into your hands and give them everything they need to find their place in your Heaven. He/she has gone ahead of me and I do not want to hold him/her back from their advancement in Heaven. I will try my utmost to live my life to make him/her happy until we are able to meet again.

2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 6

On the sixth day of my weeklong spiritual retreat we discussed the meaning of living a spiritual life versus a materialistic one, which I covered in my third book. How helping others to carry their burden can help reduce carrying our own.

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matt 16:24–26)

This was the topic of the 6th day of my spiritual retreat in 2022, understanding what power of the cross is. Each person has a different cross to bear, and often we cannot realizing what our brother/sister is carrying everyday – a terminal illness, a dying child, etc. We should have faith to place these worries at the foot of the cross and follow in the footsteps of Jesus, as He lived His life, helping others. Yes, we all have problems, and worries, but these are all worldly issues. Jesus is telling us to put those issues in the hands of God and use that energy to help those around you, that have their own problems and worries. When we help them carry their cross, we lighten the load from our own.

This is what Jesus is telling us. If we center our life on dealing with our materialistic problems, we lose the meaning of life – to love our neighbors and our enemies, and to become perfect as God is perfect. (Matt 5:44–48)

2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 5

On the fifth day of my annual week-long retreat we were taken to the heights of Heaven with reports of virtuous souls returning to their original place in Heaven.

Heaven is in The Spiritual World and it is much bigger than the material universe, so the answer is not simple. The regions of Heaven in the area of Earth are what many NDE’s experience. The highest regions of Heaven, where the divine being live. There are very few reports from this region of Heaven because it requires that a divine being tell us about it.

A divine being taught from 1948 to 1983 at GL Zurich and bright some of these descriptions. All of these teachings were recorded on tape and then video and are replayed on a regular basis. From a lecture in 1961, we hear of the reception of three human spirits that finally made it home to the heights of Heaven. The description of all three were similar, the spirits were very modest and overwhelmed by their reception by the King. One was told she would require 10 attendants to help carry her treasures to the King. She protested and said I have brought no treasures with me, I had none in my life. But when she appeared to an overjoyed King, each attendant brought her treasures for the King to see, starting with her faith. The other nine presented the rest of the virtues she acquired in her life.

Ascent and Return Home

The lectures in this themed issue give insight into the ascent of the fallen creatures, into their long path back home to the kingdom of God. Since the fulfillment of Christ’s act of redemption, since his victory over Lucifer, the latter must let all those spirit beings who no longer wish to serve evil – in whose soul the desire has awakened to return home to their Father in heaven – leave his realm.

Angels of God strive for the ascent of their brothers and sisters. They not only care for humans and for the beings in the spheres of ascent, they also find access to the planes of hell. Here they help the unfortunates escape from Lucifer’s realm. Even hell has its levels of improvement, and whoever has a change of heart here and reaches its upper levels of ascent attains the protection of the divine world. The angels of God explain to those who wish to return home the further path of ascent. Whereas some are able to accelerate their return home and are allowed, after a certain preparation, to enter directly into their first human life, others, on account of the guilt they once incurred during the fall, must take the long path through the various kingdoms of nature.