Category: Inspiration

Supernatural – Remembering how it used to be

Since the final judgement of Lucifer, ended wanted possession

Supernatural shows how evil spirits were able to possess humans at will.

The TV series Supernatural is going into its 13th season, showing the popularity of the subject matter among today’s public. It is full of inspired concepts that touch on aspects of the ethereal world that are quite colorful. It also has plenty of references to all kinds of inspired writings, including the bible and the mythical texts about the gods, and does a very good job of representing them in the script. So it is a good measure for the amount of confusion that currently exists in the subjects of the ethereal world, angels, demons and ghosts.

It is nice to see their treatment of Lucifer in this series because Christianity in general has lost their vigilance for the prince of lies, or as I like to refer to him as the prince of rhetoric. Rhetoric is a more precise description, and the series shows this exceptionally.

The storyline has a common thread with others who attempt to explain the fall of angels. Why would they choose to fall from heaven? The hypothesis in this series is that it was a matter of conscious choice, as it is in the film called City of Angeles. But the reasons that are presented are very weak, because there is not a widely held understanding for the fall in the first place. Religions today do not offer a reason why one-third of the angels were cast out of heaven.

The series is not only full of ghosts, but also demon possession. The only way they can hold back from being possessed is through charms or pagan symbols. Fortunately for us today, we need not suffer the uninvited demonic possessions that are commonly shown here, though. But before the final judgment, this is how I could have imagined it was in the times of the Old Testament. Back then, the gods of the underworld could possess anyone one they wanted and use them for their own purposes, much like is shown in Supernatural.

Reincarnation is what inspired me to write

I have always had a unique point of view and have kept to myself for many years, until recently. Two separate friends had commented on the value they received from our discussions, and both suggested I write a book. Then my daughter suffered a stroke and while she was in the hospital, I started writing what turned into a three book project.

The wisdom of Stevenson he gained from his reincarnation research

Reincarnation, at least as I conceive it, does not nullify what we know about evolution and genetics. It suggests, however, that there may be two streams of evolution — the biological one and a personal one — and that during terrestrial lives these streams may interact.

Fellow scientist, Robert Almede talks about Stevenson’s reincarnation research and about the importance of looking at the outliers to gain genuine knowledge though the pursuit of the things that science cannot explain. Don’t worry about the 95 who died jumping out the 10th story window, look closely at why the 5 got up and walked away. Statistics often leads us to throw away the knowledge gained in the outliers. This has been a theme for my life and has led me through the topics of reincarnation as part of our return to heaven.

I was also inspired by the works of John Nash whose work on gaming theory has given scientific support to the concept of “love thy neighbor”.