Category: Inspiration

2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 3

The third day of my week-long spiritual retreat was about the spiritual aspect of nature. The spirits in nature are mute, and it is up to us to learn their language to understand the message they want to give to us.

Many deny the literal meaning of Jesus here, but that is because they do not understand the spiritual nature of God’s material creation, and its purpose. Revelation 12:7–9 tells us that Satan took 1/3 of the stars of Heaven fell to earth, dragged down by the tail of the great dragon. That number in the billions of trillions based on the number of stars in the material universe. That is more than enough to have a fallen soul inhabiting every insect, plant and animal on Earth, with plenty left over to inhabit the stones.

The Restoration of All Things was taught in Early Christianity and it is an infinitesimally slow reconcilation of the fallen with Heaven. The way that this reconcilation happens is through the Earth’s nature. The most evil of the fallen spend millions of years imprisoned in stone, keeping them from causing havoc. The restoration process goes through the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom before starting their human incarnations.

We can find great joy in investigating the spiritual aspects of nature, just as Dr. Edward Bach did. I get great joy of the way that horses come to meet me on my walks. We have a close spiritual bond.

2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 2

The Lord’s Prayer was the subject of the second day of my spiritual retreat. It is the most powerful prayer we can pray when we understand the meaning of each phrase held within.

The Lord’s Prayer, is the most powerful of any prayer, and this phrase is especially important. The full phrase is: “May Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” This means, that if we want to return to Heaven, we have to be willing to accept God’s Will over our own. Jesus demonstrated this when He said:

“Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” (Luke 22:42)

Additionally, this phase gives us insight into the Love of God. God created this world with amazing diversity of life, as it is in Heaven. God loves this infinite diversity and if we want to become more like Him, we have to love diversity also. The is what Jesus was pointing to when He said:

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matt 5:44–48)

God has no enemies, He loves all of His creation that He gave to Jesus. (John 3:35) He even loves the Prodigal Son – Lucifer, who squandered his inheritance, became the Adversary (Satan) and instigated the Fall of 1/3 of His creation. (Rev 12:7–9)

When we ask God for His Will to be done on Earth, we are asking to be like Him and to have tolerance and forgiveness for all those around us that cause us harm or we do not agree with. God made them all, and He loves them, and so should we.

2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 1

I have started my annual weeklong retreat today and the topic for the day is becoming perfect, the  reason why we are all here. It is only through multiple incarnations that our fallen soul is able to regain its perfection. (John 8:23)

Most Christians deny the words of Matthew 5, and claim that God’s Grace will make them perfect. But that is not at all what Jesus taught. He said that we need to repay our debts to the last farthing (Matt 5:21-26). He said that we need to love our enemies.

Nicodemus understood Jesus’ teaching, and as an old Pharisee who had done many thing wrong, he knew that took more than believing in Jesus – we have to walk in the shoes of Jesus. So, Nicodemus asked Jesus how it is possible to achieve perfection:

“There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, [truly, truly] I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:1–5)

Jesus agrees with Nicodemus’ point, that he needs to incarnate again to meet these guidelines. But Jesus goes on to say that not only do you have to be born again, you need to become a spiritual person like Matthew 5 describes.

See also: Where is reincarnation mentioned in the Bible?


It was 9/11 that inspired me to be a writer

After 9/11, I published five articles to combat the hate came out of the US, trying to answer the question on everyone’s lips: “How could this have happened?”

The Discovery – thoughts on life after death

I was looking to forward to this film to see how they handle the topic that I discuss in my third book – Torn Between Two Worlds: Material and Ethereal. I was quickly disappointed in the first scene, where the discovery of life after death turns into a call for mass suicides. But then when I thought about it further, I realized that this might be a logical conclusion with no guiding philosophy. The conclusion drawn is that death is like “pushing the reset button” on life. In my book, I lay out some research into the consequences of the lifestyle on the type of after life that could follow such a life. There is an indication in the research that a suicide has dramatic consequences, including the theory that the next life could present the same issues that one is attempting to escape.

The second thing that stood out for me was a quote by Thomas (Robert Redford). He said, “Faith, oh god, I have such contempt for that word. Show me someone who relies on faith, and I’ll show you someone who has given up control over whatever it is that they believe.” This shows me how misunderstood faith is in the scientific community. Einstein was one of the few scientists that understood the importance of faith. He once said that he has faith in the nobility of nature. Science needs to relearn this trait if they are to successfully unravel some of nature’s secrets.

I often tell friends that they need to learn to have faith in themselves. By looking at all that one has been able to overcome already in life, should reassure one that they can handle anything life throws at them in the future – have faith instead of fear. This is faith based on a logical assessment of one’s accomplishments. No one should be ashamed of having faith in themselves or, like Einstein, in the beauty of nature.

New insights into addiction from beyond the veil

I start with this account from the late 19th century, not for its time period, but for the level of enlightenment of the deceased. He is a self-proclaimed egotist, and the ethereal world that he describes is fitting to his character. I imagine it on the one hand as the wild west, due to its amount of lawlessness, and like a ghetto on the other hand, due to its run-down and dirty appearance.

This is a fascinating story to read after having read Wickland’s work, because it complements the knowledge he imparts. Franchezzo explains how he and other ethereal beings in this wild west influence weak-willed humans. After death, an addict is still an addict, so they seek out humans that they can connect with to experience the “high” of their addiction. They accomplish this through temporary possession. For example, a deceased alcoholic will search out weak-willed drinkers and encourage them to keep drinking so that he can enjoy the ethereal essence of the alcohol and the intoxicating feeling experienced by the drinker.

We also find from this story that the deceased are encouraged to improve their base thinking and strive for virtue. Benevolent beings visit these lower regions and encourage the residents to consider a path of redemption, a nobler path. Though, as in the material world, free will is respected and no one is forced to change their ways, until they are incarnated again in the material world.

Heal Thyself: Modern Science has not changed much in a century

After nearly one hundred years, the success rate of treating mental heath ailments has progressed little. In his book, Heal Thyself, Dr. Edward Bach discusses the variability of results from the various treatments available at his time. He was disturbed by the lack of consistency in treating the symptoms. A similar situation exists today with results from pharmaceuticals, eastern medicine, acupuncture and various energy healing techniques, including Dr. Bach’s own Bach Flower Remedies.

The theme of my trilogy, Torn Between Two Worlds, is to highlight scientific anomalies that are not currently understood with a materialistic viewpoint and to suggest a holistic approach that can help to encourage researchers to look at other factors not currently part of their experiments. In the case of Bach, this is the logical step he took. He boldly named his book Heal Thyself because he truly believed that it is the patient who knows the most about the underlying causes of their ailments, they just need to be empowered in order to treat themselves.

It seems logical to me that when anomalous results exist, that there are more variables involved in the solution to consider. Currently, medical professionals are discouraged from looking for non-materialistic factors and non-materialistic results. Dr. Bach went out into nature and discovered thirty-six essences that are effective in treating the sources of many ailments such as anxiety, depression, and mental distress. These essences are of an ethereal nature. They are the direct transfer of the flower’s essence into water using sunlight and contain no material components. There are other similar studies that have come to the same conclusion, notably Dr. Emoto’s use of Hado water in treating similar ailments.

Dark Energy explained in Death by a loss of 21 grams

The work of Dr. Duncan MacDougall was groundbreaking in many respects. Firstly, he had the curiosity to apply science to the impact of death, with scientific rigor. Secondly, because he was able to explain the variations in the test to match the personality of the subject.

Finally, the 21 grams which are lost at death correspond to 1.9 billion MJ of energy that escaped into the ether, providing evidence for the so-called Dark Energy theorized by astrophysics. If each living body, including celestial bodies, contains a proportional amount of energy, this might account for the missing energy that the Dark Energy hypothesis represents.

A secondary effect of MacDougall’s experiment is to suggest that the universe is permeable, not to suggest that there are multiple dimensions. The 1.9 billion MJ was not released into the closed room of his experiment, but the first law of thermodynamics says that this energy went somewhere, it was not destroyed. The Torn Between Two World hypothesis is supported by this observation.

Together with the work of Ian Stevenson, we have enough evidence to examine the so-called Dark Energy in near space. By bridging the gap between science and spirituality, wisdom can be acquired. We need more scientists to help religion to dispel their illogical doctrines and dogma, rediscovering the wisdom of the founders of science: Euclid, Pythagoras, Democritus, and Hippocrates.

The loss of weight from the 21 Grams Movie

Scientists have rebuffing the experiments without bothering to do what MacDougall recommended: increase the sample size. At the time of his experiments, he was using leading edge technology that can be replicated today with much greater accuracy. Instead, they make statements like this: In other words, the measurements are not dependable, so should be disregarded.

Scientific anomalies explained by astrology

There is much wisdom in sayings of old, if we have an open mind to accept them. People have believed from the beginning of time about the power of the stars and the impact that they have on our daily lives. Many have dedicated their lives to the practice of astrology, finding truth and wisdom in their studies and practice. How does astrology fit into the modern scientific world?

Astrology - Power of the stars from the beginning of time.

Most scientific theories require the addition of both dark matter and dark energy to describe the behavior of the universe, and in massive proportions. Some more recent theories by and Gregorio Baquero have eliminated the need to have dark matter to explain the observed behavior, but still require huge amounts of dark energy. Let’s be clear though, the term dark energy stems from the fact that it cannot be seen or measured, it does not imply that it is truly darkness.¬†

Most all of the research is being done is on big money projects in physics, either looking into deep space or into smaller particles at the CERN. No one seems to be looking for dark energy in near space, or in our solar system. If dark energy makes up more than 80% of the universe, shouldn’t we be able to find it in our solar system?

The project, Torn Between Two Worlds, was created in order to form a bridge between two seemingly opposing sides. In this case, between science and astrology. What can the two learn from each other? In the introduction of my first book, I talk about the statistics from identical twin studies done throughout the last 60 years. One statistically significant variable falls out of those studies that can only be defined as a function of time. All of these studies show that our personality is impacted by the time we were born. This has nothing to do with genetics. Astrologists know this to be true.

Here is the Torn Between Two World hypothesis: We are citizens of two, coincidental worlds; a physical world, that is open to the eyes of its inhabitants and an ethereal world that is only visible to a very few gifted individuals. The physical world is finite, in that it is limited to the materials created in the Big Bang, whereas the ethereal world in infinite. Both worlds can act upon each other.

Putting this all together, I propose the following hypothesis:

  • Dark energy is the same energy that we experience in near space, and it is associated with bodies, both celestial and living. It is coincidental with these bodies, and it is ethereal.
  • Like gravity, its effect can be measured.
  • Unlike gravity, some gifted people can see it.

There is a proof in near space that can be made within our solar system and then applied to the universe using a well-known anomaly. The AU is increasing by 15 cm per year, and nobody knows why. Under our hypothesis, both the sun and the earth contain dark energy, so how much dark energy would each need to contain in order to increase the earth’s orbit around the sun by 15 cm per year? And if each celestial body had promotional amounts of dark energy, would this explain the accelerated expansion of the universe?

Lost Soul Guide in Ghost Whisperer’s Melinda

Good illustration of ghost works by Dr. Carl Wickland and Dr. Edith Fiore

Melinda Gordon helps lost souls to find their way into the light, and to stop to bother the living.

This is one of my most favorite television series about how life in the ethereal world can impact people. Especially in the first few seasons, it is a very inspired series depicting how a ghost can affect our lives. It gives us a good idea how it feels for the few who are meant to help them, and how these gifted people are often not understood by the people around them. Clairvoyance is a gift, but without the right support, it can be a great burden. Fortunately, Belinda had a grandmother during her childhood who understood her gift and was able to teach her how to use it to help others.

Once Belinda’s son gets old enough, she realizes that there are other types of ethereal beings that he can see and which she did not know existed. This illustrates the problem that has always existed when analyzing the work of clairvoyants, not all can see the same things, so it makes it a difficult field to study. Dr. Carl Wickland spent 30 years working with patients who were being molested by a ghost, but did not learn much wisdom from these lost souls. This illustrates that just being in the ethereal world is not enough, it takes something more to be able to uncover its secrets.

There has been enough independent research done by various psychiatrists on this subject to warrant an in-depth scientific study, along the line of Dr. Ian Stevenson’s work on reincarnation, to establish detection and treatment methods for people affected by a disparate spirit or ghost. This would be a great step forward for the mental health profession to have these techniques available to doctors treating patients who are possibly being mentally tortured by an angry ghost. By sending each ghost into the light, Wickland and Fiore  were able to elevate great suffering without the use of expensive pharmaceuticals.