Category: Inspiration

  • City of Angels, Perfect First Scene

    I have come across a number of inspired Hollywood productions that I like to share along with the meaning they provided me. I was so excited to see the beginning of City of Angels, starting just as inspired texts explain how the ethereal body leaves the material body at death, and continues life in the…

  • Ghost research – 30 Years among the Dead

    Dr. Carl A. Wickland, (1861-1945) was a member of the Chicago Medical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the chief psychiatrist at the National Psychopathic Institute of Chicago. Wickland specialized in cases of schizophrenia, paranoia, depression, addiction, manic-depression, criminal behavior and other phobias. After moving to Los Angeles in 1918, he…

  • Supernatural – Remembering how it used to be

    The TV series Supernatural is going into its 13th season, showing the popularity of the subject matter among today’s public. It is full of inspired concepts that touch on aspects of the ethereal world that are quite colorful. It also has plenty of references to all kinds of inspired writings, including the bible and the…

  • Reincarnation is what inspired me to write

    I have always had a unique point of view and have kept to myself for many years, until recently. Two separate friends had commented on the value they received from our discussions, and both suggested I write a book. Then my daughter suffered a stroke and while she was in the hospital, I started writing…