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Scientific anomalies explained by astrology
There is much wisdom in sayings of old, if we have an open mind to accept them. People have believed from the beginning of time about the power of the stars and the impact that they have on our daily lives. Many have dedicated their lives to the practice of astrology, finding truth and wisdom in their studies and practice. How does astrology fit into the modern scientific world?
Most scientific theories require the addition of both dark matter and dark energy to describe the behavior of the universe, and in massive proportions. Some more recent theories by Mike McCulloch and Gregorio Baquero have eliminated the need to have dark matter to explain the observed behavior, but still require huge amounts of dark energy. Let’s be clear though, the term dark energy stems from the fact that it cannot be seen or measured, it does not imply that it is truly darkness.ยฌโ
Most all of the research is being done is on big money projects in physics, either looking into deep space or into smaller particles at the CERN. No one seems to be looking for dark energy in near space, or in our solar system. If dark energy makes up more than 80% of the universe, shouldn’t we be able to find it in our solar system?
The project, Torn Between Two Worlds, was created in order to form a bridge between two seemingly opposing sides. In this case, between science and astrology. What can the two learn from each other? In the introduction of my first book, I talk about the statistics from identical twin studies done throughout the last 60 years. One statistically significant variable falls out of those studies that can only be defined as a function of time. All of these studies show that our personality is impacted by the time we were born. This has nothing to do with genetics. Astrologists know this to be true.
Here is the Torn Between Two World hypothesis: We are citizens of two, coincidental worlds; a physical world, that is open to the eyes of its inhabitants and an ethereal world that is only visible to a very few gifted individuals. The physical world is finite, in that it is limited to the materials created in the Big Bang, whereas the ethereal world in infinite. Both worlds can act upon each other.
Putting this all together, I propose the following hypothesis:
- Dark energy is the same energy that we experience in near space, and it is associated with bodies, both celestial and living. It is coincidental with these bodies, and it is ethereal.
- Like gravity, its effect can be measured.
- Unlike gravity, some gifted people can see it.
There is a proof in near space that can be made within our solar system and then applied to the universe using a well-known anomaly. The AU is increasing by 15 cm per year, and nobody knows why. Under our hypothesis, both the sun and the earth contain dark energy, so how much dark energy would each need to contain in order to increase the earth’s orbit around the sun by 15 cm per year? And if each celestial body had promotional amounts of dark energy, would this explain the accelerated expansion of the universe?
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