2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 7

On the seventh day of my annual week-long retreat we discussed the best ways to help the soul of a lost love one. 

When we lose a loved one, it is important to separate your personal needs from the needs of the loved one’s soul. Let me explain. When we lose a loved one, we are left with various emotions, based on our relation to them. These can be sorrow, loss and a deep desire to hold on to them. They can disappointment, regret and a desire for revenge or a second chance.

When praying for a loved one, we don’t what your personal needs to impact the prayer for the loved one which may hinder their afterlife, and can impact your own life. For instance, if we hold a person’s soul close to us after they died through our longing to be with them, this will keep them from entering their afterlife. And if you look at the life’s works of Dr. Edith Fiore and Dr. Carl Wickland you will find that when these spirits remain in our lives, the can cause various symptoms of mental illness. Especially if there was disappointment in the relationship.

So, as in most things in life, it is important to take care ourself before we can help others. Before praying for the deceased loved one, ask God for the strength you need to go on without them. If there was conflict in the relationship, ask God to forgive yourself and forgive them. Once you have asked God to help you with your needs, then you can pray for the deceased loved one for God to fulfill their needs. Such a prayer might look like this.

Dear God, please take my loved one into your hands and give them everything they need to find their place in your Heaven. He/she has gone ahead of me and I do not want to hold him/her back from their advancement in Heaven. I will try my utmost to live my life to make him/her happy until we are able to meet again.


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