2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 5

On the fifth day of my annual week-long retreat we were taken to the heights of Heaven with reports of virtuous souls returning to their original place in Heaven.

Heaven is in The Spiritual World and it is much bigger than the material universe, so the answer is not simple. The regions of Heaven in the area of Earth are what many NDE’s experience. The highest regions of Heaven, where the divine being live. There are very few reports from this region of Heaven because it requires that a divine being tell us about it.

A divine being taught from 1948 to 1983 at GL Zurich and bright some of these descriptions. All of these teachings were recorded on tape and then video and are replayed on a regular basis. From a lecture in 1961, we hear of the reception of three human spirits that finally made it home to the heights of Heaven. The description of all three were similar, the spirits were very modest and overwhelmed by their reception by the King. One was told she would require 10 attendants to help carry her treasures to the King. She protested and said I have brought no treasures with me, I had none in my life. But when she appeared to an overjoyed King, each attendant brought her treasures for the King to see, starting with her faith. The other nine presented the rest of the virtues she acquired in her life.

Ascent and Return Home

The lectures in this themed issue give insight into the ascent of the fallen creatures, into their long path back home to the kingdom of God. Since the fulfillment of Christ’s act of redemption, since his victory over Lucifer, the latter must let all those spirit beings who no longer wish to serve evil – in whose soul the desire has awakened to return home to their Father in heaven – leave his realm.

Angels of God strive for the ascent of their brothers and sisters. They not only care for humans and for the beings in the spheres of ascent, they also find access to the planes of hell. Here they help the unfortunates escape from Lucifer’s realm. Even hell has its levels of improvement, and whoever has a change of heart here and reaches its upper levels of ascent attains the protection of the divine world. The angels of God explain to those who wish to return home the further path of ascent. Whereas some are able to accelerate their return home and are allowed, after a certain preparation, to enter directly into their first human life, others, on account of the guilt they once incurred during the fall, must take the long path through the various kingdoms of nature.


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