2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 3

The third day of my week-long spiritual retreat was about the spiritual aspect of nature. The spirits in nature are mute, and it is up to us to learn their language to understand the message they want to give to us.

Many deny the literal meaning of Jesus here, but that is because they do not understand the spiritual nature of Godโ€™s material creation, and its purpose. Revelation 12:7โ€“9 tells us that Satan took 1/3 of the stars of Heaven fell to earth, dragged down by the tail of the great dragon. That number in the billions of trillions based on the number of stars in the material universe. That is more than enough to have a fallen soul inhabiting every insect, plant and animal on Earth, with plenty left over to inhabit the stones.

The Restoration of All Things was taught in Early Christianity and it is an infinitesimally slow reconcilation of the fallen with Heaven. The way that this reconcilation happens is through the Earthโ€™s nature. The most evil of the fallen spend millions of years imprisoned in stone, keeping them from causing havoc. The restoration process goes through the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom before starting their human incarnations.

We can find great joy in investigating the spiritual aspects of nature, just as Dr. Edward Bach did. I get great joy of the way that horses come to meet me on my walks. We have a close spiritual bond.


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