Torn Between Two Worlds answers many common questions on Quora

Since the release of my trilogy, I have been answering common questions posted on Quora addressed by my books. Over 4,700 questions have been answered and these have received over 3.5 million views. There seems to be a hunger for logic and reason that both religions and science are having difficulty delivering. Below are the questions I have answered that are of most interest to readers.

Although the old Testament reveals women were made from Adam’s rib, what is the actuality now known by science?

Do birthmarks have a spiritual meaning?

Do we reincarnate instantly after we die? Or do we end up in some kind of limbo waiting for years and years until it’s the right time to reincarnate?

How is it that the pyramids were build 12,000 BC and Adam and Eve came about 8000 BC?

What is the true story of Lucifer and the fallen angels?

Why do ‘ghosts’ never talk about going to heaven and what that is like or about God?

Please visit my profile for these and many other questions with the perspective presented in Torn Between Two Worlds.


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