
Unveiling “Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing” by Shawn T. Murphy

A Transcendent Manual for Elevating Spiritual Wellbeing “Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing” has finally arrived. Crafted by the talented Shawn T Murphy, a successful Engineer, Businessman and Chartered Financial Analyst. This extraordinary creation represents the fourth volume in an engaging series, presenting practical remedies for navigating the intricate relationship between modern medicine and spiritual well-being

We are all invited to embark on a deep and transformative journey of self-exploration and healing as the long-anticipated release of “Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing”. Building upon the achievement of the initial trilogy in the “Torn Between Two Worlds” series – titled “Science and Religion,” “Wisdom and Rhetoric,” and “Material and Ethereal” – Shawn artfully constructs a foundation to comprehend the inherent duality interwoven into human existence. In this latest release, the focus moves from philosophical contemplation to actionable guidance, furnishing readers with insights for skillfully navigating life’s complexities.

Each individual has the capacity to reach their utmost capabilities. Hence, the recommendations within this book have the potential to propel individuals towards this objective, irrespective of their present level of spiritual well-being. Within these pages, we unearth an array of methods to surmount the spiritual challenges afflicting us or our dear ones. By the book’s conclusion, my hope is that readers will not only possess tools for aid but also a comprehensive manual on integrating them into their unique life paths.

Shawn was once asked about his inspiration, after he promoted his first three books and became a popular active blogger in Quora. There he was inspired and encouraged by his followers to write his self-help book. He is dedicating this to these two individuals that valued his support and inspiration that he provided.

About the Author

He began his work journey at the age of 14, working his way through High School and attaining a BS in Engineering while employed as a machinist. Upon transitioning to an engineering role, he achieved a Master’s in Engineering, followed by a Master’s in Business, and dedicated his free time to becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst. His unquenchable thirst for knowledge has persisted throughout their life.

His credentials continued to flourish as he pursued a thriving career as an investment manager, consistently prioritizing ongoing education. In 1996, he initiated a study of philosophy and spirituality subsequent to an encounter with skilled clairvoyants during his initial week-long spiritual retreat. Over the past 27 years, he engaged in intensive learning under their guidance, delving into spiritual laws and remedies that now form the essence of their written work.

In response to the events of September 11, 2001, he found inspiration to author six articles that countered the prevailing rhetoric of the time. Additionally, following a stroke experienced by his 20-year-old daughter, he felt compelled to write the “Torn Between Two Worlds” trilogy.

This endeavor aimed to disseminate the wisdom accumulated throughout his life’s journey, which had provided him strength during challenging periods. Recent developments include the establishment of a spiritual consulting business subsequent to the release of his self-help book. Utilizing the tools expounded upon in his writing, he is dedicated to aiding those who are enduring suffering. Moreover, have been actively assisting aspiring clairvoyants in honing their skills, as the principles they articulate hold relevance for individuals from all walks of life.

Shawn T. Murphy’s dedication shines through his proactive engagement. Collaborations with fellow creatives:


Book Fairs

  • Sharjah 2022
  • Frankfurt 2022

Shawn recently participated in a Prime Seven Media Spotlight interview with Logan Crawford and answered questions about his book, ‘Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing’; (Logan Crawford TV Interview Link:

Message from the author:

I believe “Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing” will appeal to readers looking for alternative ways to address their health and wellness. And I would be happy to consult with any reader and can be reached on my website:

If you are interested in buying his book, just visit, or you may click this link:

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