Category: Latest

  • 2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 4

    During the fourth day of my week-long spiritual retreat we talked about the promise of Jesus to send the spirit of truth to teach all the truth. I can recommend all to search for these teaching. Q: How can you explain the Gospel of John Chapter 16:12-14?  I have yet many things to say unto…

  • 2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 3

    The third day of my week-long spiritual retreat was about the spiritual aspect of nature. The spirits in nature are mute, and it is up to us to learn their language to understand the message they want to give to us. Q: What does the Scripture Luke 19: 39-40 mean that rocks will cry out?…

  • 2022 Spiritual Retreat Day 2

    The Lord’s Prayer was the subject of the second day of my spiritual retreat. It is the most powerful prayer we can pray when we understand the meaning of each phrase held within. Q: What is the meaning of “thy will be done” in The Lord’s Prayer? The Lord’s Prayer, is the most powerful of…

  • Interview from Road to Divinity

    Free will is our greatest gift and destiny is the product of free will. Exercising our free will shapes our destiny in this life and in our next life. Let me give a few examples from my research: • Let’s say the person was a narcissist. Before he prepared for his next human life, he…