Moving towards Wisdom

Salisbury Post – New Book Highlights How Spiritual Wellness Can Heal in Ways Modern Medicine May Overlook

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Author offers a guide to overcome spiritual afflictions for overall well-being and fulfillment

ZUG, Switzerland, April 10, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — “Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing” by Shawn T. Murphy explores the spiritual illnesses that can affect individuals and their loved ones, often unrecognized or misdiagnosed by the medical community, and the ways in which we can heal ourselves.

In this empowering guide, Murphy’s fourth book on the topic of human dualism, readers are provided a hands-on approach to increasing their spiritual strength and resistance to negativity. Highlighting that the path to fulfillment should be nurtured in childhood, Murphy also provides tips for parenting in a way that may reduce the need for medications or penalties throughout a child’s life.

“We are spiritual beings, each and every one of us,” Murphy said. “Children are spiritual beings, too, with a purpose in their lives. Too many parents take possession of their children and don’t allow them to be who they should be. Many spend a great deal of time trying to undo their childhood.”

Murphy’s guidance on building mental strength is the result of more than 30 years developing a philosophical lens that bridges the gap between standard mental health approaches and spiritual healing. Murphy has penned three other books exploring his work on establishing a unique framework for human dualism.

“Many books are philosophical in nature, but this book offers actionable guidance,” Murphy said. “It brings a lot of aspects together that we haven’t seen before and opens the mind to other possibilities.”

“Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing”
By Shawn T. Murphy
ISBN: 978-1-9822-7002-5 (softcover); 978-1-9822-7005-6 (hardcover); 978-1-9822-7001-8 (electronic)
Available at Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Yahoo! finance – New Book Highlights How Spiritual Wellness Can Heal in Ways Modern Medicine May Overlook

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Author offers a guide to overcome spiritual afflictions for overall well-being and fulfillment

ZUG, Switzerland, April 10, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — “Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing” by Shawn T. Murphy explores the spiritual illnesses that can affect individuals and their loved ones, often unrecognized or misdiagnosed by the medical community, and the ways in which we can heal ourselves.

In this empowering guide, Murphy’s fourth book on the topic of human dualism, readers are provided a hands-on approach to increasing their spiritual strength and resistance to negativity. Highlighting that the path to fulfillment should be nurtured in childhood, Murphy also provides tips for parenting in a way that may reduce the need for medications or penalties throughout a child’s life.

“We are spiritual beings, each and every one of us,” Murphy said. “Children are spiritual beings, too, with a purpose in their lives. Too many parents take possession of their children and don’t allow them to be who they should be. Many spend a great deal of time trying to undo their childhood.”

Murphy’s guidance on building mental strength is the result of more than 30 years developing a philosophical lens that bridges the gap between standard mental health approaches and spiritual healing. Murphy has penned three other books exploring his work on establishing a unique framework for human dualism.

“Many books are philosophical in nature, but this book offers actionable guidance,” Murphy said. “It brings a lot of aspects together that we haven’t seen before and opens the mind to other possibilities.”

“Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing”
By Shawn T. Murphy
ISBN: 978-1-9822-7002-5 (softcover); 978-1-9822-7005-6 (hardcover); 978-1-9822-7001-8 (electronic)
Available at Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Daily News – New Book Highlights How Spiritual Wellness Can Heal in Ways Modern Medicine May Overlook

Daily News

Author offers a guide to overcome spiritual afflictions for overall well-being and fulfillment

ZUG, Switzerland, April 10, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — “Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing” by Shawn T. Murphy explores the spiritual illnesses that can affect individuals and their loved ones, often unrecognized or misdiagnosed by the medical community, and the ways in which we can heal ourselves.

In this empowering guide, Murphy’s fourth book on the topic of human dualism, readers are provided a hands-on approach to increasing their spiritual strength and resistance to negativity. Highlighting that the path to fulfillment should be nurtured in childhood, Murphy also provides tips for parenting in a way that may reduce the need for medications or penalties throughout a child’s life.

“We are spiritual beings, each and every one of us,” Murphy said. “Children are spiritual beings, too, with a purpose in their lives. Too many parents take possession of their children and don’t allow them to be who they should be. Many spend a great deal of time trying to undo their childhood.”

Murphy’s guidance on building mental strength is the result of more than 30 years developing a philosophical lens that bridges the gap between standard mental health approaches and spiritual healing. Murphy has penned three other books exploring his work on establishing a unique framework for human dualism.

“Many books are philosophical in nature, but this book offers actionable guidance,” Murphy said. “It brings a lot of aspects together that we haven’t seen before and opens the mind to other possibilities.”

“Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing”
By Shawn T. Murphy
ISBN: 978-1-9822-7002-5 (softcover); 978-1-9822-7005-6 (hardcover); 978-1-9822-7001-8 (electronic)
Available at Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

New Book Highlights How Spiritual Wellness Can Heal in Ways Modern Medicine May Overlook


See more information on-line.

“Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing”
By Shawn T. Murphy
ISBN: 978-1-9822-7002-5 (softcover); 978-1-9822-7005-6 (hardcover); 978-1-9822-7001-8 (electronic)
Available at Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the author
Shawn Murphy began studying philosophy and spirituality in 1996 after meeting talented clairvoyants at his first week-long spiritual retreat. He studied under them over the last 27 years, investigating spiritual laws and treatments which are reflected in his writing. After moving to Bermuda in 2000, he started publishing his philosophic works in the Bermuda Sun. Following the attack on Sept. 11, 2001, he published a series of six articles speaking out against the rhetoric that had erupted. Shawn was inspired to write the “Torn Between Two Worlds” trilogy, following the stroke of his 20-year-old daughter. This was to share with others the wisdom he has gained in his life’s journey that gave him strength in this trying time. Recently, he published the fourth book in the series and then started a spiritual consulting business. To learn more, please visit

Learn to Trust Your Intuition – New Podcast

February 8, 2023 – I spoke with Brandon G Handley Spiritual Dope Podcast, trying to make the topics of spirituality palatable for logical thinkers, like myself. In addition, I answered a few specific questions from Brandon:  What is the relationship between science and religionDescribe heaven and how to get there?

Logic in Religion

A lack of logic in religion is one of the reasons that churches are becoming less attractive to people, but it is also responsible for much of the conflict in the world. It is time to replace mystery and man-made doctrines with the logic that existed before power-hungry took it from us.

In this episode we have a lively exchange and cover: • The first Christians • Scientifically based theologians • Origen of Alexandria • The consistency of spiritual and material laws • Socrates, Plato & Aristotle (who contributed what) • The order and logic of God/Creator • The making of a true philosopher • The book of Revelation as history, not prophecy • The Restoration of All Things (Origen’s teaching) versus the Doctrine of Salvation • Rhetoric versus Wisdom.

View the podcast on the Spiritual Forum or watch the video or listen to this episode on Apple PodcastsSound Cloud or Stitcher.

What is the relation between our soul and our mind, according to modern science?

First of all, modern science does not recognize the soul, but rather they are struggling with the difference between consciousness and the brain. I was just at a mental health presentation at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, which was focusing on the use of psychedelic drugs in treatment. One of the presenters said: “We do not understand the difference between consciousness and the brain.” I asked this member: “Then how can you effectively treat illnesses of consciousness?”

The best modern scientific research on this subject is being done by the Division of Perceptual Studies – University of Virginia School of Medicine. Dr. Bruce Greyson, who has spent over a half of a century scientifically researching thousands of Near-Death Experiences. Through this extensive research, this is what modern science is willing to say:

The seventh lesson is that NDE’s raise questions about the continuation of consciousness after death. If it is true that minds can function in extreme circumstances without physical brains, that is may be possible that minds can continue to exist after the death of the brain.

An answer to what happens after death, may be beyond today’s scientific methods, or it may be just beyond our scientific imagination, but the scientific answer, if it ever comes, will likely be through indirect evidence, like the trail of bubble subatomic particles leave in a bubble chamber. I don’t know if some kind of continued consciousness after death is the best explanation for NDE experiencers seeing loved ones that no one knew had died, but I do not have any alternative explanation for the evidence. We may eventually come up with another explanation, but until then, some form of continued consciousness after death seems to be the most plausible working model. The evidence, that under extreme conditions, we can see beyond the range that our physical senses see and hear, and that we can remember things our physical brains have not processed, comes not just from NDE’s but from a variety of research avenues. So, it makes sense to me to live our lives as if this is really the way things are. That we are more than our physical bodies, that some part of us may continue after our physical bodies stop working, and that we may be intimately connected to something greater than ourselves. And that has tremendous implications as to how we live our lives, and for what makes our lives meaningful and worthwhile.

Ref: After by Dr. Bruce Greyson – Chapter 20.

Modern science has come a long way in the past 30 years on this subject, but practicing doctors are still being taught that a human is purely a physical being. Until doctors and researchers are taught what Greyson has discovered, those suffering illnesses of consciousness or of the soul, will not receive effective care.

Back to your original question: What is the difference between the soul and the mind? Greyson hints at this point in his NDE studies. He says that the experiences people have when their brain is not functioning are more real than normal memories, because consciousness (the soul) is not being filtered by the brain. Humans who have reached a high level of enlightenment are able to access the unfiltered knowledge and wisdom of their soul.

Be cautious when going into a spiritual business

I have had many discussions with psychics and spiritual practitioners, and discovered some common patterns. Many of the practicing psychics have gone through a difficult childhood/adulthood and had a spiritual awakening – discovering their gift. They have gone into their practice without the needed preparation, to ensure:

  • Protection from negative energies
  • Protection from outside spiritual influences – familiar spirits, lost spirits, vengeful spirits and evil spirits.
  • Discernment between the benevolent spirit world and the malevolent

Going into business in a spiritual business makes these matters worse, as one is subject to more negative thoughts from exposure on the internet, and worse, to spiritual beings that want to influence the spiritually gifted. I have written about this for The Spiritual Biz Magazine, and you can read the article here.

Healing Energies Through Spirituality with Shawn Murphy

October 20, 2022 – Healing Energies Through Spirituality with Shawn Murphy with Teresa from TNT Spirit Works

While we exist here on the planet we all experience duality. This duality shows up all around us like day/night, sadness/happiness, depressed/enthusiastic and many, many other ways and forms. My guest today has embraced dualities through his Torn Between Two World Books and he is here today to shed light on how to increase your spiritual strength and increase your resistance to the negativity that you are subjected to.

You can find the podcast on BuzzSprout.

Upcoming episode of Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast


I am excited because this coming week is the release of the episode we created. As I was getting it ready for release I was reminded of the powerful messages you shared and how your work is so needed in the world right now. Teresa Shantz